College Profile

The College of Chinese Language and Literature, Guizhou University, is inherited primarily from the National Guizhou University’s Department of Chinese Literature founded in 1942. In 2004, the former departments of language and literature, history and philosophy were merged as the College of Humanities. In May 2016, the former departments of Chinese language and literature and journalism in the College of Humanities were merged as the College of Literature and Journalism. In April 2023, the former Department of Chinese Language and Literature in the College of Literature and Journalism was reorganized to form the College of Chinese Language and Literature.

There are 44 staff members in the college currently, including 10 professors, 15 associate professors and 15 lecturers for teaching and researching, 30 doctors, 2 doctoral candidates, and 5 masters in academic degree, and 23 supervisors for postgraduates. The faculty team takes on a reasonable age structure and a complete set of professional and academic titles. The college offers a bachelor's degree program in Chinese Language and Literature, which has been enrolling since 1942. This program was identified as a key discipline of Guizhou University in the early 1990s, designated as a branded specialty of Guizhou University and exemplary specialty of Guizhou province in 2007, and was successfully listed in the national specialty project in 2008, and further listed in the branded specialty project of Guizhou University in 2013, then listed in the “first-class undergraduate specialty” project of Guizhou province in 2017. It was ranked the first in the evaluation of Chinese language and literature programs in Guizhou province in 2018, and was designated as a national “first-class undergraduate program” in 2019.

Since itsestablishment, many well-known scholars such as Xie Liuyi, Tan Jiefu, Yao Dianzhong, Tang Bingzheng, Zhang Ruzhou, Jiang Xiwen, Wang Ying, etc. have taught here, and more than 6,000 students have graduated here.As a remarkable result, It has cultivated a galaxy of high-qualityand favored talents, including academic researchers and teachers who have achieved fruitfully in high-education and research institutions, as well as well-known writers nationwide. For instance, Liu Yangzhong, former director of the Ancient Literature Research Office, Institute of Literature, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences; Peng Zhaorong,doctoral supervisor, Xiamen University;Xu Xinjian, doctoral supervisor, Sichuan University; Chen Yuehong, former dean, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Peking University; Jiang Nanhua, former president, Guizhou Academy of Social Sciences; Huang Wanji and Wang Hongru, academic researchers,Institute of Literature, Guizhou Academy of Social Sciences; He Shiguang, , well-known writer, chairman of the Guizhou Federation of Literary and Art Circles; Ouyang Qiansen, renowned writer, winner of the Lu Xun Literature Prize, chairman of theGuizhou Writers Association, and so on. At the same time, many graduates have become senior officials in various departments of our province's Party, government, and military. In recent years, in addition to continuing to study for master's degree, the graduates in Chinese language and literature of Guizhou University have mainly workedfor the administrative organs and propaganda departments of various major newspapers, magazines, radio stations, TV stations, Party and government offices, enterprises and companies, as well as schools and other units. Thanks to their solid professional foundation, strong comprehensive abilities and great potential for development, the graduates inChinese language and literature of Guizhou Universityare highly evaluated by employers generallyand have made significant contributions to the society, economy and culture.

In the early 1980s, the Department of Chinese Language and Literature of Guizhou Universitywas designated as one of the first-batchnational sections for master's degree authorization in Chinese language and literature. It was designated,further in the early 1990s, as a section for master's degree authorization in ancient Chinese literature, andin 2010,as a first-level discipline section for master’s degree authorization in Chinese language and literature. At present, the college offers an academic master's degree program in the fields of literature and arts, Chinese language and linguistics, classical Chinese philology, ancient Chinese literature, modern and contemporary Chinese literature, and comparative literature and world literature.

College of Chinese Language and Literature, Guizhou University